Planning a motorcycle trip to Utah? Whether you’re a newbie rider or a seasoned motorcyclist, you want to be as informed and prepared as possible before hitting the road.
Utah’s vast and scenic landscapes make a lovely backdrop, but the weather can be harsh and unforgiving. You don’t want to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This is where the book Ride Utah! for motorcyclists comes in. Dave Magdiel’s book will tell you everything you need to know about touring the Beehive State on two wheels — and then some.
The Beauty and Danger of Touring Utah
Utah boasts a whopping 84,000 square miles of natural grandeur, including five national parks, seven national monuments, and 43 state parks.
From the busy streets of Salt Lake City to the snow-capped mountain ranges of the Rockies and the sprawling expanse of the Mojave Desert in Southern Utah, this state has something for everyone. No wonder Utah is one of the world’s more popular motorcycle touring destinations.
One Book Provides a Great Overview
Utah offers some truly epic rides, but to enjoy them optimally, you have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, and why.
Dave Magdiel has brought his many years of experience touring the American West and his unrivaled knowledge of Utah to create the ultimate reference guide for the seasoned rider and touring novice alike — the Ride Utah! book for motorcyclists.
In the second edition from 2013, Magdiel will take you on a tour through three distinct geographic regions of Utah, narrating the history, legend, and nature you will encounter, with a healthy dose of humor thrown in for good measure.
The book’s fourth section lists alternatives to freeway travel when transiting the state. On the back pages, you’ll also find extensive appendices with a wealth of reference information on motorcycles, clubs, and tourism in Utah.
Paying special attention to weather, equipment, and safety, Magdiel gives you what every rider needs to know and expect to make their ride through Utah more fun and enjoyable. You’ll also learn some laws and statistics, such as the legal motorcycles or motorcycle fatalities in Utah.
Ride Utah! brings the Beehive State’s roads to life and will make you feel as if you’re already touring before you ever hit the road. All in all, the book Ride Utah! for motorcyclists is the ideal saddlebag companion for motorcyclists who are serious about experiencing Utah.
What the Readers Say
Ride Utah! has four- and five-star reviews on Amazon. Readers say that while the book is a few years old, the suggested rides are still fresh and will take you to places you might otherwise miss.
Magdiel is very descriptive in what to look for along the various routes, from local law enforcement to information about food, lodging, and fuel at the end of each section (although some readers say they would have preferred to have this information together with the rest).
Others would have liked to see the rides in the book organized by road numbers instead of by region. Ride Utah! for motorcyclists is a fantastic read and pocket guide for anyone riding through or around Utah.
Ride Safe With Law Tigers
Utah’s roads are relatively safe, but accidents can still happen. If you’re injured on the road while touring the Beehive State, contact the legal team at Law Tigers.
Our legal team will refer you to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in your area who can explain your legal options and suggest next steps. Call us at 1-888-863-7216 today for a free case evaluation.