Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club Explores Idaho Rides

Brother Speed MC is one of the most notorious motorcycle clubs in America. The first chapter of this MC, Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club, formed in 1969 in Boise, Idaho. Today, the club has multiple branches in Idaho, Oregon, and across the Northwest, with around 200 to 300 active members.
There’s no denying Brother Speed MC has a controversial reputation. Many sources refer to them as an “outlaw club” and point out certain club members’ involvement in various unlawful activities. But who are Brother Speed MC members and what do they stand for, actually?
Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club Feisty History
Like many other motorcycle clubs, Brother Speed started as a group of friends from school who loved motorcycles and naturally fell into hanging out with fellow motorbike enthusiasts. Many of these boys’ fathers were riders as well.
Hollywood biker films of the 1960s gave a boost to the popularity of the biker movement, prompting the formation of several major MCs. The Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club officially formed in May 1969. Shortly after, the club chose Brother Speed as its official name and came up with the famous black-and-yellow sign, depicting a winged skull wearing a motorcycle helmet and goggles, which remains the club’s center patch to this day.
Brother Speed Motorcycle Club Today
Today, Brother Speed MC has several chapters in Boise, Nampa, Portland, and other locations in the Northwest. Although it’s hard to tell how many official members the club has, the number is estimated between 200 and 300 bikers. Members of the Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club and other chapters of this MC love powerful motorcycles, speed, and the biker lifestyle.
Over the years, there have been multiple run-ins between Brother Speed MC and the authorities, which has created a dubious public image for the motorcycle club. On at least one occasion, the bikers fought back using legal means. In 2013, law enforcement forces raided the Brother Speed MC clubhouse in Nampa, Idaho, under a sealed warrant and held the members captive for several hours. The MC eventually won a settlement in their lawsuit against the government.
Brother Speed Club Rides, Community Involvement, and More
The Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club and other chapters of this MC are highly involved in their local communities. MC members routinely do what they love best – hit the open road – to raise funds for children, veterans, and other groups in need.
For example, the Burley, Idaho Brother Speed chapter hosts an annual Toy Run to collect donations for Christmas gifts for children. Various club chapters also support raffles and different community-centered, heart-warming charity events that bring joy and relief to many local people. Organizers who come in touch with Brother Speed through these events meet a different side to the MC from what popular media portrays. Possibly, above all, Brother Speed MC members are people committed to the rider lifestyle, who unite their passion for speed with universal human values.
Law Tigers: Legal Support for American Riders and Their Families
Every motorcyclist, from beginner riders to members of the Boise Brother Speed Motorcycle Club, hopes for an open and safe road – but if you ever end up in an accident, attorneys at Law Tigers are here to protect your rights. We have 30+ years of experience representing riders across the U.S. and have recovered over $999M for our clients to date.
Call 1-888-863-7216 for a free case evaluation for an accident in Idaho or anywhere in the U.S.