Can Motorcycles Split Lanes in Texas? 5 Laws You Need to Know

motorcycles on a freeway splitting lanes

Lane splitting has long been a topic of discussion among riders, lawmakers, and safety advocates in many states. The term describes the practice of motorcyclists riding between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic. Advocates argue that it can reduce congestion and improve safety, while skeptics say that just the opposite is true.

If you’re a motorcycle enthusiast in Texas, you might ask yourself, “Can motorcycles split lanes in Texas?” Well, you’re in luck, because we’ve provided the answer to that and four other pressing questions about motorcycle laws in the Lone Star State.

1. Lane splitting is now illegal in Texas

For years, lane splitting existed in a legal gray area in Texas: neither explicitly legal or explicitly illegal. That loophole was officially closed when Gov. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 4122 into law during the 2023 legislative session. Specifically, the bill states that a motorcyclist may not:

  • (B) operate the motorcycle between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction; or
  • (C) pass a motor vehicle while in the same lane as the vehicle being passed.

Violation of this rule could result in a $175 fine.

2. Lane sharing is allowed but with conditions

While lane splitting is not legal in Texas, the state does allow motorcyclists to ride side-by-side in a single lane. This practice, known as lane sharing, is permitted as long as both riders agree to the arrangement and it does not impede the customary and reasonable movement of traffic. Remember that lane sharing differs from lane splitting, which involves riding between lanes of traffic.

3. Reckless driving charges may apply

Motorcyclists who split lanes in Texas could face legal consequences, such as a traffic citation or fine. Sometimes, lane splitting may be considered reckless driving, which carries more severe penalties. Reckless driving charges in Texas can result in fines up to $200, license suspension, and even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense and the rider’s prior record.

4. Motorcyclists must follow the same traffic laws as other vehicles

Texas law requires motorcyclists to follow the same traffic laws as other vehicles. This includes obeying speed limits, signaling turns and lane changes, and yielding the right-of-way when appropriate. By adhering to these laws and riding responsibly, motorcyclists can help reduce the risk of accidents and legal trouble.

5. Safety should always be the top priority

While navigating through heavy traffic can be frustrating, motorcyclists in Texas should prioritize their safety and the safety of others on the road. Instead of thinking, “can motorcycles split lanes in Texas,” consider alternative strategies to deal with congestion, such as planning trips during off-peak hours, using alternative routes, or simply being patient and waiting for traffic to clear. Remember, the consequences of an accident or legal trouble far outweigh any time saved by lane splitting. Sign up today for Law Tigers FREE Rider Benefit Kit to help keep you safe on the road. Ride Safe!

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