Finding the Top Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in San Francisco

Top Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in San Francisco

If you’ve recently been in a motorcycle accident, hiring a competent, experienced lawyer is an important step in moving forward after your crash. A motorcycle accident attorney can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, gather evidence from your police report, represent you in court, and help you receive an adequate settlement to cover medical bills.

However, not all motorcycle lawyers are created equal. If you’re looking for the top motorcycle accident lawyer in San Francisco, be sure to follow these steps to choose the right option for your needs.

1. Search for Lawyers In San Francisco

Your first step should be narrowing all of the motorcycle lawyers in the country to ones in your area. For example, if you live in San Francisco, you’ll want to choose a law firm that practices in the state of California. Doing so will ensure that your attorney knows the statute of limitations within the state, relevant traffic laws, and other state-related policies. 

One of the easiest ways to search for motorcycle accident attorneys in San Francisco is to use our website. You can select California on our map of practice areas, then choose San Francisco to view our practicing attorneys in the city. 

You can also locate lawyers in San Francisco by performing a quick Google search for “motorcycle accident lawyers near me” or “motorcycle accident lawyer San Francisco.” 

2. Review Their Credentials

Once you have a list of attorneys in the area, you can begin narrowing your list by reviewing their credentials. Many law firms list their lawyers’ credentials on their sites, but you can also call the firm directly to inquire. During your search, you should look for lawyers that:

  • Have the necessary licenses to practice in California
  • Have at least a few years of experience with personal injury cases and specifically motorcycle accident cases

You should also ensure that the lawyer you choose has motorcycle accident experience. You can find hundreds of car accident lawyers in the San Francisco area, but not all of them have worked on motorcycle cases. Limiting your search to motorcycle accident lawyers can ensure that you receive adequate guidance and assistance for your motorcycle accident claim. 

3. Schedule Consultations

After following the steps above, you should have a few motorcycle accident attorneys on your list. You can begin to condense your list further by scheduling consultations with each of your options. 

Most attorneys offer free consultations or case evaluations in which they discuss your case and the ways they can assist you. However, you can also use consultations to get to know the attorneys on your list and determine the best fit. 

During your consultations, you can ask questions like:

  • How long have you been practicing law? 
  • How many motorcycle accident cases similar to my case have you handled? 
  • What percentage of your cases have resulted in a settlement? 
  • How many other cases are you currently managing? 

Searching for attorneys who have several years of law experience under their belts, have handled similar motorcycle accident cases in the past can help you narrow your options. 

4. Talk About Cost

During your consultation, you should also ask each attorney about their fees. Knowing each attorney’s rates ahead of time can ensure that you do not face any unexpected costs after your settlement. 

5. Make Your Choice

Now, you should have enough information to make an informed decision about your motorcycle accident lawyer. 

If you still don’t feel confident choosing the right lawyer for your needs, you can rest assured that all of the motorcycle accident attorneys in our Law Tigers group are experienced, knowledgeable, and highly skilled. Choosing any of these lawyers can set you up for success with your motorcycle accident case. 

For more information about our motorcycle accident lawyers in San Francisco, contact our Law Tigers team today at 1-888-863-7216.

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