Gear Up for the Southern California Poker Run

The Los Angeles Motorcycle Poker Run to Benefit Service Animals combines a fun SoCal ride, a friendly get-together for bikers, and an opportunity to give back to veterans for their service. Raise funds for therapy dogs and horses! Bookmark Saturday, March 4, for this event presented by the Combat Vets Motorcycle Association.
The Time and Place: Starts in Ventura
The Los Angeles Motorcycle Poker Run to Benefit Service Animals will start at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1679 on 3801 Market St., Ventura, CA, on Saturday, March 4, at 9am. The event will end at 5pm.
Participating bikers will ride from Ventura to Los Angeles and back. The event organizers welcome all riders, including beginners, pros, solo participants, and groups. Since it’s a poker run, participants collect playing cards along the way. Collecting cards of certain combinations can give you different poker hand rankings.
All proceeds from the event, including breakfast and lunch sales, will support service animals of veterans in need.
The Goal for the Los Angeles Motorcycle Poker Run to Benefit Service Animals
The main focus of this poker run and party is to raise money (with the goal of reaching $50,000) for the Military Animal Project. The funds will sponsor service therapy animals for local veterans. Service dogs, therapy dogs, and equine therapy horses can bring tremendous relief and support to veterans with PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and other service-related physical and mental trauma.
Law Tigers: A Network of Lawyers Supporting Bikers from Coast to Coast
As you prepare to attend the Los Angeles Motorcycle Poker Run to Benefit Service Animals or other motorcycle events in SoCal, stay safe. Even the most careful riders may find themselves in a motorcycle accident – and if this happens to you, we at Law Tigers are here to provide legal support for you and your family. Call 1-888-863-7216 24/7 for a free case evaluation.