How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident?

person on motorcycle at sunset

Most people’s first concern after a motorcycle accident is ensuring their and the other party’s safety. The natural next thought is about reporting the accident to the police and insurance companies. So, how long do you have to report an accident?

The answer is that individual states have different reporting laws, so there is no single answer. Additionally, the time limit to report an accident to insurance companies differs based on the provider. 

Most States Have Two Types of Accident Reporting Laws

Most states have two types of reporting requirements regarding auto accidents. 

The first is police reporting requirements. If you are in an accident involving bodily injury, death, or property damage over a certain threshold, the law most likely requires you to contact the police. Typically, the timeframe for contacting emergency authorities is immediately after the accident and by the fastest available method of communication, like your phone. 

Failing to contact the police after a serious accident may incur severe criminal and civil penalties, including fines and even jail time. However, police reporting requirements do not apply if you were unable to contact them — if you were too injured after the crash, for example. 

In addition to immediate reporting requirements, most states require drivers to subsequently fill out a collision report with the appropriate agency. Depending on the state, the time frame for submitting an accident report can range from a few days to nearly a month after the accident. Generally, failing to submit a collision report is a non-criminal violation that can result in license suspension and other administrative penalties. 

Motorcycle Accident Reporting Basics

An accident report is official documentation of your case and can serve as evidence in a motorcycle accident claim. Typically, when you file a report, you will include:

  • Details of the accident (e.g., date, time, location, etc.)
  • Both motorists’ details
  • An account of the accident
  • Documentation of injuries and property damage
  • Both party’s insurance information
  • Witness statements 

The point of an accident report is to serve as an objective account of the crash. It is helpful documentation in case one party tries to exaggerate their injuries or provides a conflicting account of the accident that absolves them of liability. 

How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident?

The time you have to report an accident varies by state and organization. There is a big difference between DMV and Police reporting and the way in which you report things to an insurance company. Similarly, we recommend that you have a top-tier motorcycle accident lawyer who you can consult before most major reporting.

Here are some general guidelines for the timeline of reporting a motorcycle accident:

Timeframe to Report an Accident to the Police

Even if there is no significant cosmetic damage to your motorcycle as well as any injuries, it is still recommended you immediately call 911. In certain states, you have 24 hours to contact the police regarding an accident – and we recommend doing so as quickly as possible following one.

How Long After an Accident Can You Report an Injury?

You have 24 hours after a motorcycle accident to report an injury or death to the police or local authorities. Similarly, you have 10 days to report the same information to the DMV while including a damage report.

How Long Before You Report an Accident to Insurance?

The statute of limitations will vary by each state; in Arizona, for example, you have up to two years to report bodily injury or property damage for insurance claims. Your provider may request that you submit as soon as possible – sometimes even within 24 hours. However, it is not always realistic that you will be physically or mentally prepared to report so soon, and you might need to get more information or legal recourse first.

Why You Should Contact a Lawyer BEFORE Your Insurance

Make sure you contact a lawyer immediately and most importantly BEFORE your insurance. Contacting your insurance first could vastly complicate your efforts to recover compensation. A motorcycle accident attorney from a firm like Law Tigers can ensure you meet all insurance reporting timelines and avoid unnecessary payment delays. Have a lawyer deal with the insurance companies while you worry about recovery. Get a FREE case evaluation today or call 1-800-LAWTIGERS with any questions you may have.

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