How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident in Oklahoma?

close up of police sirens in oklahoma

Like most other states, Oklahoma has mandatory accident reporting laws. Failure to comply with these laws can incur fines and criminal penalties. So, how long do you have to report an accident in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma law requires that motorists report most types of accidents to the police immediately after they occur. Motorists may also have to file an additional collision report within the next six months. 

Oklahoma Accident Reporting Laws

Oklahoma Statutes 47-10-107 requires motorists who have been in a crash involving bodily injury or death to contact the relevant authorities immediately using the quickest method of communication. The law doesn’t define how long immediately means, but generally you need to do so while still at the accident scene. The relevant authorities for reporting are local police, the county sheriff, or the Oklahoma State Highway Patrol. 

In addition to the immediate reporting requirements, Oklahoma Statutes 47-10-108 requires that motorists fill out a collision report if the accident involved injury or death, more than $300 in property damage, or has not been settled within six months. 

What Happens If I Do Not Report an Accident in Oklahoma?

If you are in an accident and leave the scene without communicating with the other driver or rendering aid, you may be guilty of a hit-and-run, which can have steep punishment in Oklahoma. The severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the crash:

  • Property damage only – Up to one year in prison and up to a $500 fine
  • Non-fatal injury crash – Up to two years in prison and up to a $1,000 fine
  • Fatal crash – Up to ten years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine

You may also be subject to additional fines and penalties if you were drinking or under the influence of drugs when the accident occurred. If you fail to file a collision report when the law requires it, you can face a license suspension of up to 30 days or until you fill out a report. 

How Do I Look Up An Accident Report in Oklahoma?

You can get a copy of a Collision Report in person, by mail, or by email. By law, you’re only allowed to request your own Collision Report. For details about exceptions that let you access someone else’s driving record, check out 47 OS § 6-117 E and F.

When Do I Need to Report an Accident to Insurance?

Attorney Chris Hammons
Chris Hammons

You will also need to report the accident to the insurance company so you can open a claim for financial compensation. The amount of time you have to notify depends on the specific insurance provider. Some companies will allow up to 30 days, while others may require notification in as little as 24 to 48 hours.

Regardless of how much time you have, filing a claim as early as possible is the best idea. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to recover adequate compensation. A motorcycle accident attorney from Law Tigers can kick-start the claims process to reduce the chances of settlement delays and denials.

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