Law Tigers Receives AMSAF’s 2021 Visionary Award


Law Tigers received the 2021 Visionary Award from the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation for the work done to promote motorcycle safety and awareness throughout the state.

Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation

The mission of the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) is to promote motorcycle safety and public awareness and to help reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities in Arizona.

Motorcycling has soared in popularity as a recreational activity and mode of transportation in the Grand Canyon State. There are more than 210,000 registered motorcycles in Arizona and the number continues to grow. According to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Arizona has averaged more than 3,000 motorcycle crashes each year – and the figures keep increasing. Clearly, there is a crucial need for motorcycle safety and awareness.

“The working relationship between AMSAF, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, and Arizona Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council is a huge opportunity to help educate the motorcycle community through the AMSAF motorcycle training scholarship. Our goal is to reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities here in Arizona.” – Alberto Gutier, Director of Governor’s Office of Highway Safety

AMSAF helps achieve this goal through the following activities:

  • Promote media campaigns and public safety announcements
  • Develop motorcycle education, training, and awareness programs
  • Support legislation that directly affects motorcycle safety and awareness
  • Support rider training programs

To promote motorcycle safety and awareness and help reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities, AMSAF partners with the rider by helping register for motorcycle training and ensuring they have a DOT-approved full face or modular helmet. 

For those driving 4 wheel vehicles, AMSAF promotes the reduction of distracted driving with campaigns such as Look out for Motorcycles and Share the Road, as well as weekly safety tips. 

AMSAF works closely with the community at large including the state, healthcare, police, legal, and insurance industries to help make them more aware of motorcycle safety. Through these efforts, they are ableto attack the problem from both sides and help save lives.

The AMSAF Visionary Award

This special award is given to the exceptional individual or group that is involved in the community and demonstrates leadership and whose efforts positively influence and promote motorcycle safety and awareness to help reduce crashes and fatalities in Arizona. 

This award is based on the following: 

  • Leadership in the Arizona motorcycle community
  • Positive influence in the Arizona motorcycle community
  • Efforts and success in helping increase safety and awareness for the Arizona motorcycle community 

Law Tigers Receives the 2021 AMSAF Visionary Award

Twenty years ago Warren Levenbaum created the Law Tigers brand and program within his existing personal injury law firm to represent injured motorcycle riders and support the local community through a number of outreach initiatives. Early on Warren and his son Ari committed themselves to assisting riders in a variety of ways, and they continue to do so regardless of whether someone is injured and needs legal assistance or is looking for local community support.  Through their actions, riders know the Law Tigers are by their side and have their back regardless of the circumstances.

 For two decades, Ari, Warren, and the Law Tigers have given back to their community through charitable contributions, insurance education, and safety and awareness initiatives. What they’ve accomplished in Arizona has served as a model for Law Tigers members who are now present in over 30 states throughout the country. These communities have also benefited from the many services and resources that were established here in Arizona.

 When AMSAF was first formed, Warren Levenbaum, as a founding board member, provided the legal expertise, meeting space, and time necessary to get the organization off the ground. After being on the board for several years, his son Ari took his place and currently serves as AMSAF’s Chairman.

This father and son team and their extended Law Tigers family have left a lasting mark on our riding community. They will undoubtedly continue their commitment to AMSAF, Arizona, and their fellow riders for years to come.

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