Legal Rights After a Motorcycle Accident Spinal Cord Injury
Motorcycles offer endless fun and freedom, but if you crash your ride, you could lose that freedom in an instant. Motorcycle accident spinal cord injuries can leave you partially or totally paralyzed, sometimes for life.
If you’re one of the thousands of motorcycle riders who have been in an accident this year, you’re probably eager to demand justice from the driver who hit you.
Motorcycle Accidents Are Major Causes of Serious Injuries
Even if your riding would put pro cyclists to shame, motorcycles are inherently dangerous. If you crash, you’re at a much higher risk of a back injury than car and truck drivers would be.
Motorcycles can be deadly simply because they have no seatbelts. That means even the slightest bump could send you flying over the handlebars and skidding across the pavement.
Bikes are far less visible than cars, too. A semi-truck or other big vehicle could knock you off the road without ever knowing it.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Motorcycle accident spinal cord injuries may not only leave you paralyzed; you might also have severe back pain that’s tough to treat with medication or problems feeling heat or cold.
The path to recovery will likely be a long one. You may need to relearn how to walk and do your favorite things. A doctor might also have to help you manage your breathing and bladder function.
Medical care bills for spinal injuries can total millions of dollars, and that’s even if you have incredibly solid health insurance. It makes sense, then, that you’d want to know if you can sue the person who hit you for the pain and suffering.
Seeking Damages From the At-Fault Driver
It’s possible to sue the careless driver who hit you, but whether you can win is another matter entirely. Accident laws vary by state, and no matter where you live, you’ll likely need to prove negligence to win your case.
But what exactly is negligence? Basically, it’s anything that could put drivers in harm’s way. Speeding, running a stop sign, or reading text messages instead of paying attention to the road all count as negligence.
How can you prove that a driver acted negligently? It’s tough to do this on your own. That’s why you’ll likely want the help of a lawyer who understands the laws in your state.
You’ll also likely need to know about comparative and contributory negligence rules where you reside. Some states allow you to seek damages even if you caused the accident. Others, such as Virginia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Maryland, bar you from seeking damages if you’re at fault in any way.
For example: Let’s say that a text message came through, and you just couldn’t wait to read it. While you were responding, another driver ran a red light, causing you to hit them. But if you’d kept your eyes on the road, it’s possible that you could have avoided the crash.
Can you sue and win? Maybe, but it all depends on where you live. To find out, look up your state’s negligence rules. A lawyer can also tell you if you have grounds for a lawsuit.
Contact Law Tigers if You’ve Suffered a Spine Injury in an Accident
If you’ve hurt your spine in a motorcycle crash, call an attorney as soon as you can. You only have a short amount of time to file a claim for motorcycle accident spinal cord injuries.
Give Law Tigers a call at (888) 863-7216, and we’ll direct you to a lawyer who can help near you.