Motorcycle Safety: Pre-Ride T Clock Inspection


The Motorcycle Safety Foundation created this mnemonic device to guide a motorcyclist’s pre-ride safety check. We thought it was worth sharing with you.

T Clock

Tires & Wheels: Check tire pressure and treads. Make sure spokes are tight and intact and that brakes have a firm feel.

Controls: Check levers, cables, hoses, and throttles.

Lights & Electrics: Check brake lights, taillights, headlights, lenses, reflectors, battery, and wiring to ensure no fraying, pinching, or corrosion.

Oil: Check oil and fluid levels, and ensure there are no leaks.

Chassis: Check suspension, chains and belts, fasteners, the steering head, and swingarm bearings.

Kickstand: check the side stand and center stand for correct retracting and no bends or damage

Want a more detailed look? Here’s what Motorcycle Cruiser has to say about T Clock.

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