Riding Couples: Her Two Wheels

girl on a motorcycle with her hair down

We had the opportunity to interview Jess at Her Two Wheels to spotlight couples that ride in honor of Valentine’s Day and get some insights about a rider in our community.

More About Jess at Her Two Wheels

Jess owns a 2009 H-D Dyna and a 2018 H-D Road Glide Special which she likes to ride on her favorite roads. She doesn’t have a specific favorite, but if it has swooping curves or is on a country road, you can see her there. She had an unconventional start to riding, a family member asked her to take the MSF course with her and she wasn’t interested at first. Once the idea of her riding started spinning in her head, she became obsessed.

Riding With Your Spouse: Having Fun and Bonding

Most couples enjoy doing an activity together, but we think riding together is best. Jess and her husbands’ favorite things about riding together are the chats they have in the helmet, checking each other out at stoplights, and being able to pull up to a destination together after a ride. A relationship involves many bonding moments, and riding together is a special bond.

Going on a road trip with a spouse is something many people look forward to and Jess gave us her number one tip. “Always, always stay positive. Hype your partner up or tell them you’re having fun. Riding is so emotional and spending time with your spouse is emotional.”

Law Tigers Is Here for You and Your Spouse

If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident, give us a call at 1-888-863-7216. We are a community of motorcycle riding lawyers. We want to help you recover and get back on the road riding.

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