Take a Grand Teton Motorcycle Trip

Grand Teton Motorcycle Trip

Grand Teton National Park offers spectacular views of the Teton Range, a majestic mountain range spanning 40 miles and with an elevation reaching over 13,000 feet. If you’re a motorcyclist, we highly recommend experiencing Grand Teton on your motorcycle. 

Here is our guide for taking a Grand Teton motorcycle trip. 

Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton park is located in northern Wyoming and covers over 310,000 acres. The central attraction within the park is the Teton Range, as Grand Teton National Park covers some of the highest peaks within this mountain range. 

Grand Teton National Park offers plenty of opportunities for hiking, motorcycling, and exploring. You can hike in and around the Teton Range, explore the unique geology throughout the park, and simply take in the scenic views from your bike or a picnic spot. 

While Grant Teton isn’t the largest national park, it will take you a few days to experience fully. As a result, we recommend dedicating anywhere from two to four days to your Grand Teton motorcycle trip. 

Scenic Routes Near Grand Teton

Riding your motorcycle along scenic roads throughout Grand Teton National Park can allow you to experience the park’s majestic beauty through one of your favorite hobbies. Here are a few routes we recommend riding in and around the park:

Teton Park Road

Teton Park Road is a 20-mile road that takes you around the base of the Teton Range. This road spans from Moose to Jackson Lake Junction and will require about 40 to 60 minutes to traverse on your bike. However, it offers stunning close-up views of the Teton mountains and is easy to navigate on your motorcycle.  

Jenny Lake Scenic Drive

If you’re looking for a route that offers more complete views of the Teton Range, we recommend the Jenny Lake Scenic Drive. This road is just 3 miles long, making it an easy trip to add to your Grand Teton tour. However, it offers some of the most beautiful views of the Tetons in the entire park. 

Signal Mountain Summit Road

You can’t truly experience the Teton Range without driving up into the heights of the majestic mountains. Signal Mountain Summit Road is a scenic route that climbs up 800 feet into the Tetons, providing gorgeous panoramic views of Grand Teton National Park. 

This road is five miles long but can take up to an hour to traverse. You’ll need to tread slowly up the mountain and watch out for other drivers on this narrow, paved road. 

Combining Your Grand Teton Trip With Yellowstone 

Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks are just 10 miles from each other. If you have the time and don’t come to the area often, we recommend combining your Grand Teton trip with an exploration of Yellowstone. 

Yellowstone National Park is one of the largest national parks in the country, encompassing over 3,500 square miles of wilderness area. This park rests atop a volcanic hot spot and spreads outside of Wyoming into parts of Montana and Idaho. 

Yellowstone offers unique views from Grand Teton. While Grand Teton allows up-close access to majestic mountains, Yellowstone provides broader views of wildlife, forests, canyons, hot springs, and geysers. 

You can take several routes from Grand Teton National Park to Yellowstone National Park, but we recommend taking the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway. This road offers a direct route from Grand Teton to Yellowstone and showcases the beautiful features you’ll find in both parks. 

If you need legal help after a motorcycle accident, contact our Law Tigers motorcycle accident attorneys at 888-863-7216 to schedule a free case evaluation. 

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