What If I Can’t Afford to Hire a Motorcycle Attorney?

motorcyclist on open road at sunset

The financial stress after a motorcycle accident can be enormous after accounting for your medical bills, lost income, and property damage. As the bills start to mount up, panic might set in, and you might start to think: What if I can’t afford to hire a motorcycle attorney?

What Does a Contingency Basis Mean?

The good news is that most motorcycle attorneys, such as Law Tigers, work on a contingency basis, meaning they only receive payment if you actually get a settlement. If you don’t get any money from your claim, then you won’t have to pay attorney fees. 

Additionally, most motorcycle attorneys offer free case consultations, so you have nothing to lose by speaking to one. So, it is always worth seeking the help of an experienced motorcycle attorney as you can still receive their services even if you don’t have any money to pay an upfront attorney fee. 

How Do Motorcycle Attorneys Calculate Fees?

Typically, motorcycle attorneys take their payment as a percentage value of the final settlement. The American Bar Association states that the average contingency fee for a personal injury attorney is between a third and forty percent of the final settlement. For example, if your final settlement was $100,000, the attorney would receive about $33,000 (one-third), and you would receive the remaining $67,000. 

Attorneys may also incorporate a sliding scale into their fee percentages. Generally, the more time an attorney spends on a particular case, the higher the percentage. For example, they may charge one percentage for fulfilling a single task but might charge a higher percentage if you decide to file a lawsuit, as that takes more time and preparation. 

Still, others operate on a hybrid contingency fee/hourly fee basis, which charges a reduced hourly rate in addition to a portion of the final settlement. 

Other Options for Paying for a Motorcycle Attorney

If you are unable to find a motorcycle attorney that charges contingency fees, there are other options available to help you manage the costs so you don’t have to worry, “what if I can’t afford to hire a motorcycle attorney?”

Legal aid societies are non-profit organizations that exist to provide reduced-cost or free legal aid to low-income or zero-income individuals. Note that these organizations may require you to provide proof of income to qualify for free or reduced-cost services. 

State Bar Association

The Texas State Bar also offers referral services. They can help match you with an attorney for free or low-cost consultations. 

Small Claims Court

The last option is to take your claim to small claims court. Small claims court can be a good idea for personal injury cases that are small as they do not require attorney representation and the procedures are less strict than larger civil cases. 

Law Tigers Always Have Your Back

At Law Tigers, we’re riders just like you. This allows us to provide the best legal representation and resources with a biker-friendly perspective. With our team on your side, you can go on adventures anywhere in the country and know that we’ll be there in case something unfortunate does happen.

Sign up for our free rider benefit kit today so you can be part of The Law Tigers Team. That way, you’ll never ride alone. 

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