What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident? 6 Steps

Motorcycle accidents can be chaotic. Unfortunately, the stress and trauma of the accident may leave you unable to think straight and determine the best course of action. However, making the wrong choices could be expensive, lead to further damage, and put you at risk of other injuries.
If you’ve recently been in a motorcycle crash or are trying to prepare for one, here is our guide for what to do after a motorcycle accident.
6 Steps You Need to Take After Motorcycle Accident
1. Get To Safety
Staying in the middle of the road after your accident can leave you vulnerable to a subsequent crash. If possible, you should attempt to move your bike to the shoulder or as far away from traffic as you can. If you cannot reposition your motorcycle, your next best option is to leave it on the road and get yourself to safety.
2. Keep Your Gear On
After a crash, it might seem natural to remove your gear, but it’s safer to keep it on. Taking off helmets and other protective gear can worsen injuries, especially if adrenaline is hiding the pain. Try to stay still and wait for emergency services in a safe spot. For minor falls, having a first aid kit is useful for treating bruises and scratches.
3. Call Emergency Services
You should call the police as soon after your crash as possible. An officer can block traffic from entering the accident scene, preventing an additional accident or worse damage to your bike.
Remember, do not admit fault. Even if you think you may have been in the wrong, you should never admit total fault at the scene of an accident. Instead, you should give yourself a few days to think about the circumstances surrounding the accident before accepting responsibility.
While it may seem like the accident was entirely your fault at first, you may realize the other driver was also partially to blame after you have time to think about it. However, admitting fault upfront could make you liable for all of the damages that occur.
Even apologizing to the other driver after an accident can make it seem like you are admitting fault. In general, it’s best to leave the talking to a minimum, wait for the police to come, and focus on collecting evidence at the scene.
4. Do Not Simply Ride Away
If your motorcycle accident was relatively minor, you might be tempted to tell the driver to “forget about it” and ride away. However, we never recommend leaving an accident without filing a police report.
If you plan to submit an insurance claim after your crash, a police report can provide all of the crash details your insurer needs to estimate your damages.
5. Gather Evidence
You should also gather as much evidence as you can at the scene of the accident before leaving. If you noticed any witnesses lingering around the crash, be sure to get their contact information in case you need witness testimony in a lawsuit. Additionally, you should take pictures of your bike and any other vehicles involved in the crash.
6. Accept Medical Treatment
Motorcyclists often like to act tough after a crash and assure those around them that they do not need to go to the hospital. While you may not require immediate medical treatment following your crash, it’s always a good idea to schedule an appointment with a physician within a few days of your accident.
Often, underlying injuries from a crash can be challenging to detect without x-rays and other tests. Additionally, some injuries become more apparent with time.
It’s also best to receive a proper exam and diagnosis from a physician to give to your insurance company. This documentation can act as evidence in your claim, ensuring that you receive the funds you need to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and other resulting expenses.
Now that you know what to do after a motorcycle accident, you can prepare yourself to make the wisest choices following a crash. However, if you’ve already been in a severe motorcycle accident, one thing you should do is contact an attorney to assist you.
At Law Tigers, our team of experienced motorcycle accident attorneys can walk you through all the steps following your accident to receive the most compensation from the at-fault driver.
Contact us today at 1-800-529-8443 to request your free case evaluation.